Welcome to our website. We are glad that you have come to see our ministry.
New Hope Fellowship Church International is an Apostolic and Prophetic ministry located in East Cleveland, Ohio. Our Founders and Leaders are Apostles Joseph & Sandra Prude. They are very anointed and prophetic visionaries that flow in a strong anointing of signs, wonders and miracles. In this site you will have a chance to peruse the various aspects of our ministry. The School of the Prophets, the Dream Masters College and many others are just a few of the areas of ministry that you will be able to view on this site. New Hope believes that the Apostolic and Prophetic mandate of the church encompasses more than what happens in the four walls. We are convinced that we must minister to the whole man. We must be a voice in the public square addressing issues where many times the church is silent. We believe if we don’t speak the devil will speak. We are not bound by the limits of tradition. New Hope seeks to be a ministry that examines present truth and in all that the Holy Spirit is pointing to today.